Mission Statement
Our Mission
At Woodlands we intend for our children to be academically socially and emotionally
prepared for the next phase of their education in the United Kingdom and the world.
Woodlands aims to provide a happy, caring, secure and stimulating community to enable all
children to realise their full potential.
Our Vision
At Woodlands Primary School we value our children as individuals with their own personal
attributes for learning. Through our rich and engaging academic curriculum, we aim to
broaden horizons and encourage our children to actively participate in the world around
them; allowing them to develop the moral compass required to make positive choices to
succeed and lead fulfilling lives with the highest of aspirations.
Our Aims
Our wish is that a child at Woodlands will:
- know they are valued and be happy, caring, secure and stimulated
- be respectful, honest and well-behaved
- be independent and confident learner who knows how to approach problems
- be responsible and motivated to learn
- value other people’s beliefs, feelings, ideas and opinions
- achieve their potential both educationally and socially
- have a global understanding of the world we live in
- have belief in themselves and their ability to achieve their full potential
- be resilient
- work collaboratively
This will be achieved through a carefully sequenced knowledge rich curriculum which:
- ensures every child is effectively included, supported and challenged
- develops strong values
- has a high quality teaching and learning
- uses the outdoor environment including forest schools, Formby pine woods and beach
- has a successful partnership between home and school
- has strong links with our wider community
- has effective leadership
- ensures pupils experience life outside their own locality
- understands the diversity of the world in which we live