Working TogetherAchieving More
Mission Statement

Summer Newsletter 7

Dear Parents & Carers


We’ve had a lot of sporting events over the past week. Our Y4 football team were undefeated in a tournament at Scarisbrick Hall – winning 5 matches, drawing 2 & not conceding a single goal. In another football tournament at Scarisbrick, our Y3&4 girls won every match in impressive style. Stanley High School hosted a football tournament for Y1&2 girls which was a great success & thoroughly enjoyed by our team, so of whom were playing their very first competitive games. A team of KS2 golfers also participated in an event at Formby Hall – they had a good time honing their golfing skills. Yesterday, more than 40 of our KS2 children took part in the North Sefton Cross Country Championships held at Stanley High School. I turned out to be a very successful evening. Our Y4 girls won their year group event & we had 8 children finish in the top 10 for their year group; Skye in Y4 won a bronze medal. Most importantly, was that because everyone ran so well the collective score for the school resulted in Woodlands gaining second place overall which is a tremendous achievement. I know we will continue to take part in the cross-country events during the next academic year (dates to follow).


Here’s this week’s ‘nudges’…



What did Maui pull up from the sea with his magic hook?

{Communication & Language / Understanding the World ‘Maui Hooks the Islands’ Gabrielle AhuliĘ»i }


Reception [Red & Blue]

Why are there no dinosaurs around today?

{Understanding the World}

Y1&2 [Green, Yellow & Purple]

Can you name the planets in our solar system?

{Science topic: ‘Astronomy’}


Y3&4 [3A, 3/4M & 4G]

What is a non-chronological report & what subject specific vocabulary would you include in a report about an anglerfish?

{English topic: ‘Anglerfish – non-chronological report’}


Y5&6 [5D, 5/6P & 6R]

Explain who you think won the Space Race.

{History topic: ‘The Cold War’}


This week, our whole school attendance is 93.8% - still well below our 97% target. We had no classes with 100% attendance. We have 3 classes equalling or bettering 97%: Red Class (98.9%), Yellow Class (98.8%), 5/6P (98.8%).

We had 4 classes who had no late marks this week: Purple Class, 3/4M, 5D & 5/6P. We had 13 late marks across the whole school. 13 late mark were ‘before the register closed’ – that’s before 9.20am & 0 late marks ‘after the register has closed’, that’s after 9.20am.


I’ve attached a flyer from Formby High School with details of how to buy tickets for their CREATE Family Arts Festival on Saturday 6th July. This event is a community / family orientated event and Formby High School would be delighted for everyone to join them whether they are attending FHS or not.


It’s now only 17 days to the opening ceremony of Woodlands Olympic Sports Festival.


I hope you all have a good weekend.

KD Williams



Last word revisited

A bear walks into a bar & says. “Give me a whisky &…………cola.”

“Why the big pause?” asks the bartender.

The bear shrugs, “I’m not sure, I was just born with them.”



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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Road,
L37 2JN


Call us:

01704 876444

Headteacher | KD Williams

School Business Manager | Ms Roberts

[email protected]

SENCO | Mrs Crilly

[email protected]

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