Working TogetherAchieving More
Mission Statement

Summer Newsletter 2 [Friday 26th April]

Dear Parents & Carers


It’s 91 days until the Paris Olympics begin but only 39 days until the inaugural Woodlands Festival of Sport is launched.


We’re getting excited about a rather wonderful sporting event that’s happening next week for the children in KS2: the first KS2 Woodlands Intra School House Cross Country Championships. Each year group will be racing to find the fastest 10 children (5 girls & 5 boys) who will earn the chance to represent Woodlands at the North Sefton Cross Country Championships in May. All the children in KS2 will need to come to school in their PE kits on Wednesday 1st May.


Here are this week’s ‘nudges’…



Can you remember which minibeasts went to the minibeast bop?

{Literacy ‘Twist & Hop Minibeast Bop’ Tony Mitton & Guy Parker-Rees}


Reception [Red & Blue]

What is Africa like? Talk about the land & animals.

{Understanding the World}


Y1&2 [Green, Yellow & Purple]

What are physical & human features?

{Geography topic: ‘Northern Europe’}


Y3&4 [3A, 3/4M & 4G]

What type of bread is your favourite to eat & why?

{DT topic: ‘Making Bread’}


Y5&6 [5D, 5/6P & 6R]

How do you take a cutting from a plant?

{Science topic: ‘Reproduction’}


This week, our whole school attendance is 97.6% We had one class with 100% attendance – Congratulation to Green Class. We have 7 other classes equalling or bettering 97%: Red Class (98.2%), Blue Class (97.4%), Yellow Class (99%), 3G (97.4%), 3/4M (97.7%) 5D (98.8%) & 5/6P (97.2%)

We had 1 class who had no late marks this week: Red Class. We had 38 late marks across the whole school. 29 late mark were ‘before the register closed’ – that’s before 9.20am & 9 late marks ‘after the register has closed’, that’s after 9.20am.


I’d just like to clarify, particularly for our junior children (Y3-Y6), what we’re expecting them to wear when they come to school in their kit for PE (indoor & outdoor). The children should wear their actual Woodlands PE kit to school – this is a white t-shirt (not a crop top), royal blue shorts, royal blue ‘school’ jumper/sweatshirt/fleece. If you feel they need to be wearing long trousers then they should wear royal blue jogging bottoms. The children can either wear trainers (not Hi Tops) or their school shoes. Remember, they need a pair of trainers with them every day for the Woodlands Mile or, for juniors, going on the school field at lunchtime. Your children should not be coming to school in leggings (of any colour), football tracksuits or sports tops that are not school uniform.


Also, from Monday, I have decided to ask the junior children (Y3-Y6) to revert back to bringing their forest school ‘kit’ in a bag on the day they have forest school. Their clothes for forest school should be items that will keep them warm (if needed) & dry (if needed). They should be ‘outdoor’ clothes so that it doesn’t matter if they get dirty, wet, torn, etc. Old leggings, old tracksuit trousers, jogging bottoms, an old t-shirt & an old sweatshirt/hoodie/fleece. Sturdy footwear, that may get muddy & wet, should be worn. Unfortunately, some children seem to be treating forest school as a non-uniform day – they should not be wearing football kits, football tracksuits, crop tops, shorts (there are nettles & thorns in the copse). Infants can still keep coming to school in their clothes to wear at forest school.


I have attached a Snapchat parental information leaflet from Merseyside Police Cyber Dependant Crime Unit.


I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.

KD Williams



Last word

My friends have named their new baby Steven.

That’s an interesting turn of events…


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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Road,
L37 2JN


Call us:

01704 876444

Headteacher | KD Williams

School Business Manager | Ms Roberts

[email protected]

SENCO | Mrs Crilly

[email protected]

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