Working TogetherAchieving More
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Summer Newsletter 12 [Friday 19th July]

Dear Parents & Carers

Well that’s the end of another brilliant year. So much has happened throughout 2023-2024. The year culminated with 2 wonderful events – Woodlands Olympic Sports Festival & FOWSA’s Circus Sensible. The sports festival was incredible, so may sports to try, so many inspirational visitors – coaches, Olympians & a Lost Lioness too. Not only did this allow for competitive sport but also developed our children’s determination, honesty, passion, respect, self-belief, & teamwork, through tackling sports they’d not encountered before. Circus Sensible was simply fantastic – the circus skills workshops were fabulous & the 2 performances captivated the audiences with a mixture of silliness & skill. The 2 days really brought the whole school community together – we even survived a downpour of biblical proportions on the Saturday in between the shows.

As ever, our children have been busy throughout the year – not just working their hardest each & every day but having some memorable experiences too. Nursery loved playing in the frost & noticed that their polar animals were frozen in the water tray, they loved performing the Christmas songs in front of their parents & carers, but the nursery staff will always remember the looks on the children’s faces when the ‘gloop’ changed from solid to liquid in their hands! The children in reception will long remember their Christmas show ‘Gnome Alone’ – there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Visits from the police & fire service made reception’s year memorable too. Y1&2 had brilliant trip to Martin Mere, designed & made puppets in DT & also enjoyed performing for their parents/carers: Twinkly Nativity (Y1) & Rock Pool (Y2). Y3&4 had a fascinating science & technology trip to Eureka! They have also been involved in the Coastal Voices project which will culminate in a multi-media show at The Atkinson in the autumn term. Y5&6 ended the year visiting the play trail they designed in the woods behind St Luke’s Church (thank you to Chris & the team from the National Trust for making their designs a reality. Another highlight was the visit from the TriKidz triathlon team – this has had a lasting impact at Woodlands (keep your eye out for news in the autumn term). Y6 finished the year with Bikeablilty (cycling proficiency), PGL & WOODfest – they will be ready for a rest!

There’s so much to look forward to in September. Throughout this year, we have been working on a major revamp of our Early Years & Foundation Stage (nursery & reception) classrooms – they are going to transformed over the summer break. This is going to strengthen our provision even further for our youngest children – I’m just disappointed I won’t be here to see these spaces in action. In KS1 (Green, Purple & Yellow), the provision for the children will be enhanced too – you’ll find out more about this at the parents information evenings early in the autumn term – it’s very exciting! We’re also introducing a common approach to displays throughout the school – bright, primary colours are out, replaced by calmer, more muted shades (or is tones?) – mocha, soft cream & hessian – all very Zen.

I’d just like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has wished me luck on my retirement. Thank you for the generous gifts too. It has been a genuine pleasure to have been part of the Woodlands family for the past 17 years – 10 of those as headteacher. Education has changed radically since I first entered the classroom in 1987 as a teacher at St Luke’s. There wasn’t a single computer in the entire school – look where we are now, with every child in Y5&6 at Woodlands having their own Chromebook, smartboards in every class & most of our records kept electronically. The National Curriculum had not yet been introduced – whilst frustrating at times, it has definitely improved education for our children. I do know that our young people are producing work & reaching standards that are light-years ahead of anything even the brightest children were doing in 1987 – don’t let the tabloids tell you otherwise. Ofsted had not been thought of – it’s a pity it ever was…

I’d like to thank all the parents who have been supportive of the school over the years – I’ve said it many times, our children do best when there is a strong partnership between home & school. I’ve been fortunate to lead a school with so many brilliant parents & families supporting both their children & what we do.

Thank you to everyone single person who has helped in any way shape or form with FOWSA, but especially to the ever-changing intrepid band of the FOWSA hardcore teamsters – your support is never taken for granted. Woodlands is a much better place because of you. The wonderful events you put on for our children & families is just incredible. The money you raise is invaluable.

I’d like to thank Woodlands governors for being so dedicated to Woodlands – they are supportive, & always want the best for the children, but are not afraid to challenge. They should be congratulated on their appointment of Mrs Nel as the next headteacher of Woodlands. The interview process was thorough, gruelling at times I’m sure, but made sure the very best person was selected. I know the school is in safe hands with Mrs Nel.

It has been an absolute privilege to have been headteacher of the children at Woodlands - they are wonderful & constantly inspire: their attitude to their work is fabulous to see; their caring nature towards each other shines through. When the children leave us & go to high school, like our current Y6 are about to do, we not only want them to being doing as well as they can academically, we want them to be wonderful human-beings too. This year’s Y6 certainly live up to that. I’m sure they will continue to shine in Y7.

Finally, I’d like to thank to staff at Woodlands: from the teachers to our TAs, from our office staff to site manager, from our cleaners to our wonderful kitchen staff. It has been a pleasure coming into school each day to work with them. They are the most dedicated staff I have ever worked with in all my years in education: their commitment to the children in their care is second to none; their willingness to go ‘above & beyond’ is wonderful to witness. Our staff make Woodlands the school that it is. They will never know just how grateful I am to them for their support – they too are wonderful human beings.

I have been very lucky to be headteacher of such a wonderful school – come September, life’s going to feel a wee bit quieter...

I hope you have a lovely summer – don’t forget school opens for the children on Wednesday 4th September.


Thank you again

Keith Williams




We have just been notified that Woodlands has been awarded the School Games ‘Gold’ kitemark – what a tremendous achievement! Thanks again to Miss Dollery for all her hard work in securing this.


Last word revisited

My neighbour banged on the wall at 4.20am. Can you believe that? Luckily, I was still up playing music.

He shouted, “Can we have a little respect please?”

So, I shouted back, “I’m not a big Aretha Franklin fan, but ok, this one’s for you!”


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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Road,
L37 2JN


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01704 876444

Headteacher | KD Williams

School Business Manager | Ms Roberts

[email protected]

SENCO | Mrs Crilly

[email protected]

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