Working TogetherAchieving More
Mission Statement

Summer Newsletter 10 [Friday 5th July]

Dear Parents & Carers

Our Woodlands Olympic Sports Festival drew to a close today. It’s been a fabulous fortnight. This week has seen a whole range of activities: football coaching from Paula Milnes (A ‘Lost Lioness’) & Southport FC; inspiring assemblies from Tina Cullen MBE (hockey Olympian) & Dan Purvis (Olympic gymnast); tennis coaching from John & Joel from Formby Lawn Tennis Club; our KS2 inter house cross country championships; our reception & KS1 sports day; our KS2 sports day. The children have had a brilliant time & have been thrilled to have a go at a range of sports. I must take this opportunity to thank Miss Dollery (Red Class teacher / sports coordinator) for organising such a brilliant fortnight – it something that the children will remember for a long, long time.


Here’s this week’s ‘nudges’ to help you find out about your child’s learning…



Can you talk about some of the sea creatures you have been learning about?

{Understanding the World / ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ Giles Andreae}


Reception [Red & Blue]

Can you talk about Dan Purvis & his gymnastics?

{Woodlands Olympic Sports Festival}


Y1&2 [Green, Yellow & Purple]

Can you talk about some of the insects we have been learning about?

{English topic: ‘The King of Tiny Things’ Jeanne Willis}


Y3&4 [3A, 3/4M & 4G]

Which sports have you enjoyed most over the past 2 weeks? Why?

{Woodlands Olympic Sports Festival’}


Y5&6 [5D, 5/6P & 6R]

Which of our sporting visitors has inspired you the most? Why?

{Woodlands Olympic Sports Festival’}


This week, our whole school attendance is 94.2% - well below our 97% target. We had no classes with 100% attendance. We have 2 classes equalling or bettering 97%: Yellow Class (98.7%) & 5/6P (98.1%).

We had 1 class who had no late marks this week: 3/4M. We had 42 late marks across the whole school. 26 late mark were ‘before the register closed’ – that’s before 9.20am & 3 late marks ‘after the register has closed’, that’s after 9.20am.


Next week. our Y2 pupils will be performing their end of year show, Rock Pool, to their parents & carers on Thursday 11th July. They will aim to start as soon after register as possible – 09:15(ish).


Nursery sports day will be held on Wednesday 10th July at 1.30pm.


On Friday, next week, 12th July, we have Circus Sensible in school delivering circus skill workshops to children from reception to Y6. Then on Saturday 13th July, we have Circus Sensible’s Family Comedy Circus Show itself (see attached flyer for details of how to book – you better hurry – tickets are selling fast!).


I have also attached Sefton’s Be Active Summer Activity Guide.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

KD Williams



Last word revisited

What kind of cheese do you use to entice a bear down from a tree?


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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Road,
L37 2JN


Call us:

01704 876444

Headteacher | KD Williams

School Business Manager | Ms Roberts

[email protected]

SENCO | Mrs Crilly

[email protected]

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