Nursery Week Beginning 6th May 2024
Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 11:58am
This week, we are going to continue to read the story 'Matisse's Magical Trail.' We will discuss what happens in the story and we will retell it in our own words.
We are also going to look at the artwork 'The Snail' by Henri Matisse and we will collage our own snails in the style of Henri Matisse.
At home - Perhaps you could use bits of cut up paper/ tissue to make a collage of your favourite minibeast. Which minibeast will you make?
In maths, we are going to compare the weight of different objects. We will use balance scales to compare which object is heavier or lighter. We will use the language 'heavier than,' 'lighter than' and 'balance'.
During our outdoor learning session, we looked for special outdoor treasures and stuck them onto our nature bracelets. We think that they look beautiful!