Working TogetherAchieving More
Mission Statement

Week beginning 31st October

Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 4:29pm

This half term our topic is 'Let's celebrate'

We will be looking at lots of different celebrations and festivals including halloween, Diwali, Bonfire night, Remembrance day and Christmas.

This week we will be reading 'Pumpkin Soup'. We will be focusing on listening to and following instructions. We will be making some delicious pumpkin soup and then writing our own instructions using key words. We will encourage the children to scoop out and chop the pumpkin so that they are involved in the process.


Look at this amazing writing!

We used the skills we have been learning in our phonics sessions. We used 'Fred Fingers' to sound out each word before writing.



You could try making some soup at home and use the language cut, chop, stir, and mix.

We have had such a great time making pumpkin soup this week. We have scooped out the insdie using spoons. We have picked and sorted all the seeds and chopped up the pumpkin very carefully.



We did lots of expressive arts activities including printing, painting, using Play Doh and making 'Silly Soup'. All these are fine motor activities too and are really improving our hand-eye coordination and skills.



In mathematics we are looking at some 2D shapes. We will be encouraging the children to recognise and name circles and triangles and describe their properties. We will be using lots of vocabulary to describe them and the activities will be practical so that the children can also explore shapes in the environemnt around them.

You could ask the children to look for shapes in their homes and outside. You could draw the shapes and even sort the shapes that they identify into groups.




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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Road,
L37 2JN


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01704 876444

Headteacher | Jayne Nel

School Business Manager | Ms Roberts

[email protected]

SENCO | Mrs Crilly

[email protected]

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