Week beginning 23rd January
Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 10:42am
This week we are moving to the extreme North and South poles of the earth with our learning. We will be looking at where they are, what the climate is like, habitats and animals that live there. We will be reading a wonderful story called 'Penguin Small' that links feelings, emotions and friendships with exploring the Arctic and Antarctic. We will be listening to the story, predicting what will happen and retelling the plot using story language. We will using our learning from this week and making story maps again to retell the beginning, middle and ending.
You could talk about our weather in winter and what it might be like in the South pole where penguins live.
This week we are investigating weight in mathematics. We will be using mathematical language to compare objects and we will involved in many practical activities using non standard measures.
At home you could use your hands to feel the weight of different objects saying which is heavier and lighter.