Reception- Week beginning 30th October
Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 5:58pm
This half term we have a new topic called 'Let's Celebrate'. It is topic that encourages the children to think about lots of different festivals and celebrations that happen at this time of year. We will be looking at harvest, halloween, Remembrance day, Bonfire night, Diwali and Christmas.
To begin this topic we will be reading the book 'Pumpkin Soup'. We will be following recipes to make soup and even have a go at writing some simple instructional words.
We have also been developing our 'Communication and Language' skills through retelling stories and making up our own.
You could help at home by involving your child in food preperation and cooking and use instructional words like cut, stir, pour and mix.
In mathematics we will be carrying on with our work on number. We will be looking at more/less and different ways to make numbers to 3, including how we can add 2 numbers together. We will be reading books and singing songs that we can act out involving the number 3 and taking 1 away to find 1 less.
We have been weighing and measuring pumpkins using balance scales.
You could involve numbers into your everyday activities at home by counting things around you and talking about 1 more and 1 less.
We will be mixing colours, painting pumpkins and doing collages using different materials. We will be sketching pumpkins and using our senses to feel and smell what they are like.
We read 'Funny Bones' and make skeletons using cotton buds.
We have also made autumn leaf monsters.
In P.E. we have been develoing ball skills.