Working TogetherAchieving More
Mission Statement

Reception- Week beginning 27th November

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 4:45pm

This week we will be learning about shapes with 4 sides. We will be looking at how many different shapes were can find and how we can arrange sticks and other straight objects to make 4 sided shapes like squares, rectangles and diamonds. We will be relating it to objects that we see and use every day. This links nicely with our Literacy focus on 'Stick Man'. During our writing sessions we will be writing short captions to describe what Stickman did at the beginning, middle and end of the story. We will use our story maps from the previous week to help us to order and retell the story. The children will be encouraged to join in with repeated phrases.

You could find your own sticks and try joining them together to make your own Stick Man. He could go on a journey with you and you could retell what he did afterwards.

You could collect a range of sticks and try making a square adn a rectangle with them.

We will continue to print and paint with sticks and other natural objects. As autumn turns to winter we shall be looking at how the trees in the school environment are changing and we will try sketching and drawing what we see in some observational sessions.

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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Road,
L37 2JN


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01704 876444

Headteacher | Jayne Nel

School Business Manager | Ms Roberts

[email protected]

SENCO | Mrs Crilly

[email protected]

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