Reception- Week beginning 15th April
Date: 3rd Apr 2024 @ 11:22am
Once Upon a Time...
Our new topic focuses on retelling stories, encouraging speaking and listening skills and using language to communicate. We will be reading many versions of the same fairy tale called Rapunzel. We will look at the setting, characters and how it is adapted by different authors.
In mathematics we will be revisiting our learning on shape from the previous term so that the children can consolidate their knowledge using practical activities during this new topic. We will be providing lots of opportunities to plan and build models. We will be using 2D and 3D shapes and boxes that we use everyday from our own homes. If you have any small boxes please could you save them and bring them into school during the first week.
Creatively this topic allows the children to make lots of crowns, models, castles and towers. We are encouraging them to solve problems and stick at tasks to create their desired outcomes. This focus on independence prepares them for Year One as we begin to start our transition to Key Stage One.