Nursery Week Beginning 6th November 2023
Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 3:46pm
This week we will be thinking about fireworks. We will listen to some firework music and talk about whether it is fast or slow and how it makes us feel.
We will discuss the fireworks that we saw at the weekend and the patterns that they made in the sky. We will make our own firework patterns using coloured sand.
At home - Can you make or trace some patterns using chalk, pens or pencils? What colours will you choose?
In maths we will continue to compare groups using the language 'more than' and 'fewer than'. We will also match and sort objects according to their colour.
During our outdoor learning session, we explored the different colours that we could see. We collected natural objects and sorted them into sets according to their colour. Some of the leaves that we found had more than one colour on them and this prompted lots of discussion about which set they should belong in.
We painted pom pom poppies as part of our learning about Remembrance Day.