Nursery week Beginning 25th September 2023
Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 4:11pm
This week we are going to continue to talk about ourselves and our families. We are also going to discuss our feelings and how we feel at different times. We will read the book 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas.
We will talk about the different colours and how they make us feel. We will say what makes us feel happy and what makes us feel upset. We will talk about times when we have felt angry and we will talk about things that we can do to make ourselves feel better.
At home - Can you remember what happens in the story 'The Colour Monster?' Can you tell your family about it?
After reading The Colour Monster, we made emotion faces out of playdough.
In maths, we will play lots of counting games and sing some counting songs. We are also going to sort objects in a variety of different ways and talk about our choices.
At home - Can you sort some of your toys in different ways? You may want to sort them according to size, colour or shape. Tell your grown up about your choices.