Nursery Week Beginning 24th March 2025
Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 11:58am
This week we will be starting our Easter preparations. We will be learning about new life and taking part in lots of craft activities.
At home – Can you spot any spring changes?
We have been busy this week mark making. We practised writing some numerals and also the anticlockwise movement of the letter c.
In maths this week, we are exploring 2D shapes and their properties. We will sort them in a variety of ways and will be making animal pictures using a selection of different shapes.
At home – What shapes can you spot around you? Can you describe them?
We are also going to further develop our coding skills by directing Beebot around a maze. We will use positional language as we direct it to move left, right, forwards and backwards.
Our rhyme of the week is Oranges and Lemons. Perhaps you could try playing this with your family.
We had great fun playing this game on the field.