Nursery Week Beginning 13th November 2023
Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 12:44pm
This week we are going to read Little Red Riding Hood. We will discuss the setting of the story and the characters in it. We will talk about what each of the characters are like and we will think of some words to describe them.
At home - Talk about your favourite stories. Can you remember any of the characters in the story?
In maths, we are going to talk about and compare the size of different objects. We will use the language 'longer than' and 'shorter than' to describe the length of a variety of objects and we will begin to order some objects according to their length.
We found some worm ribbons hiding in the sand tray. We pulled them out and compared their lengths.
At home - FInd and order a selection of household objects according to their length.
On Friday, we brought our teddies to school to raise money for Children in Need. We loved showing them to all our friends.
On a rainy day we spotted a beautiful double rainbow. We looked carefully at all the colours that we could see.