Nursery Week Beginning 10th February 2025
Date: 5th Feb 2025 @ 10:07am
This week, we are continuing to read the traditional tale The Magic Porridge Pot. We will think very carefully about the different characters within the story as we draw our own story maps to retell the tale.
At home - Can you talk about some of the characters in the story The Magic Porridge Pot?
In maths, we are continuing to use our subitising skills to recognise amounts to 3 and we will also link our learning about The Magic Porridge Pot to capacity and the associated language. We will explore the capacity of a variety of containers using the language 'full', 'half full' and 'empty'. We will compare and order them by size, recognising which container holds the most and which holds the least.
At home - Can you explore some different containers? Which holds the most? Which holds the least?
Our fine motor skills activities this week will focus on cutting skills. We will practise holding the scissors with our thumbs up and carefully cutting along the lines.
This week our rhyme is Up the Tall White Candlestick.
At home - Can you teach the rhyme to your grown up?